Wednesday, January 25

Holy Cow! Black Ink Stains!

This has been a rough week already! In the interest of saving some money on super expensive Lexmark in cartridges, I decided to buy a fill it yourself kit. I carefully laid out paper towels over the table so I wouldn't make a mess, slowly filled the syringe with half the amount of ink suggested, and placed it into the cartridge. Everything was great going in...then...............................

Black ink exploded everywhere! And when I say everywhere, I mean my face, my hair, my hands, down my shirt, up my arms, and all over my light grey carpet. Whats a girl to do??? Clean up the carpet, or you face first? I opted for the face after sitting there in utter terror for about 30 seconds. It could have gotten into my eyes right?
Meanwhile, my two oldest boys(who had witnessed this whole event) were sitting on the couch laughing their heads off.
Well let me tell ya, black ink does not come off easy. I still have spots on my face, and a couple of black eyebrows until it wears off. My carpet? Well it's done. We need to get a new one. Fortunately, we are doing a major renovation in the spring ( a 950 sq ft addition) and I suppose I could throw in a new carpet for the livingroom. Until then....all visitors beware, I have a leopard spotted carpet, and it will be that way for another month or two.

On a brighter note, I am bringing home a spinning wheel today!!!!!! My local Weavers and Spinners guild is giving me a loaner for as long as I need to make a descision on which wheel I want to buy. YAY!!!!!

And Isabelle,
Just for you...I will complete this meme cause it's short. Although I'm not that unusual..

What are you 5 most unusual habits?
1. I like to have a coffee before bed. It doesn't keep me awake!
2. I dip onion rings in ranch dressing. YUMMM
3. I bring my swatch knitting into the bathroom if I know I'll be there a while.
4. I scrub my floor by hand (i hate using mops)
5. I steep my tea for at least 10 minutes...i like it strong!

I have no idea who to tag,
1. anyone who wants to play
2. anyone who wants to play
3. Anyone who wants to play
4. anyone who wants to play
(you get the idea)


Anonymous said...

WOOT!! A wheel!! You must be so excited. Have you spun anything yet?

Rebecca said...

Hi! I can't find your email address, but I wanted to let you know that you have a teammate on Team Canada - Sudbury chapter :)