Friday, April 1

Thanks a bunch!

I just want everyone to know I really appreciate all the well wishes and suggestions to tame my sick tummy. It really is hard to knit when doing it makes me nautious. Ginger tea really does work! So does sniffing newspaper(kinda) the only problem with it is the un-appealing smell. I did manage one repeat on my clapotis this week, but that's about it. I think some little baby things are in order...AGAIN!! I thought I was done with the baby knitting, guess not. Only problem is...we have no clue if it's a boy or a girl. I have boy feelings, but hubby thinks it's another girl! A girl would be great. Then we'd have two of each! It would save alot of bedroom headaches, since we only have three bedrooms, and the boys share now. Maybe I should have a contest to guess the birthdate, and the sex of the baby. HMMMM I think I could set that up. Surprises for the winner! We will be finding out the sex by ultrasound just to make life a little easier, so I should know in a month or two the answers. OK it's official, there's a contest. Leave a comment and I'll keep track. The closest to the predicted birthdate, and the correct sex wins. In case of a tie, I'll come up with another question for those who tied. Ahh some entertainement for me. I can't wait to read all the guesses. I will give one hint....I have no clue when I concieved, although I should be due either in November or December.
Have fun. Knit lots. Happy Friday!!!!!


Unknown said...

I predict a boy born Dec. 13th.


froggiemeanie said...

Alrighty, I'll venture a guess. I love a good contest (even one where we have to wait a long time to find out who the winner is). I guess girl, November 26. Take care!

Anonymous said...

hehe, how fun. I wanna guess boy... 29-November

Kathy said...


I guess girl. On December 2nd.

Anonymous said...

I love contests :) I'll say November 25th and I think it will be a girl :) I hope you start feeling better soon.